Wag n Bietjie Ekoplaas (Ecofarm)
Here at "Wag-‘n-Bietjie" Ekoplaas (Ecofarm) we put nature first, so you can come and experience it, at its finest!
"Wag-‘n-Bietjie" is situated at the heart of the Koedoesdraai – Conservacy on the banks of the Vaal River.
Located on a working cattle farm, surrounded by the beautiful, natural Free State grasslands and thorn bush.
OVRYCMA last minutes of meeting on "blog page".
Link on "fishing page" to OVRYCMA .
Link on "fishing page" to summary of telemetry reseach done at "WAG N BIETJIE."

Your host, Andre fighting the first ever Smallmouth Yellowfish to be monitored with telemetry in the world. On the farm Wag n Bietjie.

"Wag n Bietjie" Copyright Protected 2010